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Neuropsychological Assessment FAQs

A neuropsychological evaluation typically requires 1.5 days of testing for adolescents and 1 full day for adults. Following the evaluation, the test battery is scored and interpreted, a feedback session is conducted, and a comprehensive report is provided complete with extensive impressions, recommendations, and referrals.

Neuropsychology is the study of the relationship between the brain structure/systems and behavior/cognitive skills. A neuropsychological assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of cognitive or “mental” functions that requires 8 to 12 hours of face-to-face time to complete. The evaluation consists of a review of available records and a clinical interview during which you will be asked about your or your child's symptoms, as well as relevant medical, developmental, psychosocial history, and educational history. Questionnaires may also be completed by others (teachers, therapists, etc.) to assist with your or your child’s care. You or your child will also participate in neuropsychological testing which involves paper and pencil tasks, computerized measures, hands-on activities, and self-report questionnaires. Some tasks will seem relatively easy, while others will be much more complex. It is most important that you try your best on all of the tasks, and rest breaks will be provided as needed. Many people find the testing interesting, and the detailed information that is gathered will help determine your strengths and weaknesses and contribute to your care.

What does it Measure?

Intellectual Functioning


Academic Achievement (Reading, Writing, Math)

Visual-Spatial Perception

Learning and Memory

Sensory and Motor Abilities

Socio-Emotional and Behavioral Functions

Adaptive Behavior and Social Development

Attention, Concentration, and Executive Functions:

Organization, Planning, Self-Monitoring, Mental Flexibility,

Working Memory, Reasoning, and Abstract Thinking

What Will I learn from the Results?

The report will provide a detailed profile...

Why is an Assessment Needed?

A Referral May Also be Helpful for

Students seeking diagnostic clarification to obtain accommodations

Parents requesting consultation and clarification regarding a prior evaluation

Treatment planning and obtaining appropriate referrals

Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses

Assessing cognitive change over time as it relates to an illness or injury

Correlating brain functions with neuroimaging or monitoring procedures (MRI, CT Scan, PET, EEG, etc.)

Differentiating between diagnoses

Jessica Horsfall, Ph.D.

Providing clinical neuropsychological evaluations for children, adolescents, and adults

For Assessment of

Neurological Conditions with Cognitive Implications:

TBI, Sports-Related Concussions, Stroke, Epilepsy, Anoxia/Hypoxia

Dementia and Memory Problems, Brain Tumors, Infection

For Diagnosis of:

Learning Disorders: Reading, Writing, Math

Attentional Problems: ADD/ADHD

Developmental Disorders: Autism, Asperger's Disorder

Language Problems: Expressive, Receptive, Social

Developmental Delay

Emotional Difficulties: Depression, Anxiety, Behavioral Problems

Eastside Neuropsychology, PLLC

© 2010 Jessica Horsfall, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved

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